The Window

The Window by K.I.A.: Every Photo a Film

New section, or themed grouping, in the ginormous 24/7/365/1 photo project The Window by K.I.A.: Section 10 - Vignettes. These images hit at a bigger story happening beyond the borders of the photo — a shooting, a protest, a wedding, a riot, Drake, and Taylor Swift (ies)... (Many — most — of the images in the project are portraits showing the diversity, velocity, hilarity, vanity, complexity, eccentricity (etc) of the modern city in the 21st century. SEE VIGNETTES HERE. (Individual and compilation images available as signed editioned prints.)

The Window by K.I.A.: compilation images

Compilation of photographs as grouped by theme into a single image.

The compilations range from two up to 60+ images. Dimensions variable and flexible — portrait, landscape, square, etc. Inquiries welcome.

Here are a few examples of the “visual poems” compilted from The Window, a 24/7/365/1 project documenting the diversity, velocity, and humanity of life at this moment.

See more of the compilations HERE (and more being added over time.)

“ultimulticulti” (39 image compilation):

“Views From the Six” (36 image compilation):

“Happiness Is Motion” (aka “Wheelers and Wheelies” (6 image compilation):

Other compilations: Gravity/Antigravity, Wraiths Below the Window, Sequences….