PAGE 1 (w/essay), PAGE 2 (w/essay), PAGE 3 (sequences), PAGE 4 (no words), PAGE 5 (no words) PAGE 6 (themed example) , PAGE 7 (themed compilations), PAGE 8 (a man in parts), PAGE 9 (black & whites) PAGE 10 (Vignettes)
See some connections & themes across the photos HERE. Use the Search bar below to find specific themes, subjects, or images by a one-word tag (i.e. “man”; “dance”; “silhouette”; “crosswalk”; “protest”… ), and the header above or menu to see other Window pages…
“The Crosswalk” from “The Window” by K.i.A.
The long walk (exhibition iteration)
The Window Writings: connected images, click: “Nuns to Gnostics”, “Grand Theft Auto”, “Protest/Antitest”, “Taylor Swifty Geometry”, “ᴉuʌǝɹsᴉou”…
A few images from The Window project. See the top of this page, or the Menu, for links to other pages of images from The Window. (Not all images are up. Also developing: exhibition, book, NFTs). Contact for more info, and/or subscribe to the detailed info/image at K.I.A.’s Substack HERE
The Window project presents like a fusion of street photography, surveillance footage, drone captures, Instagram posts, reality tv, tableaux painting, doorbell cameras, photojournalism, wildlife, style and time-lapse photography.
Each photo in this body of work is a frame in a film of the shared city. Each photo hints at a much bigger personal story.
The individual photos, in the aggregate, show the complete range of the human experience — celebration, anger, love, hate, danger, boredom, uncertainty, affluence, patience, fear, family, indifference, kindess, poverty, friendship, laughter, sadness, bravery… all revealed in public/private as well as intimate and overt moments (a late-night hair check in the mirrored hotel sign, a couple arguing mid-afternoon, a morning wedding parade).
There are birthday parties, shootings, dates, cam girls, fires, drugs, hugs, guns, people posing, peeing, shouting, preaching, kissing, arguing, signing autographs and picking up dog poop. And walking with groceries. And cleaning leaves. And pushing things. There are vehicles: bicycles, scooters, walkers, jets, horses, skate boards, SWAT trucks, Lamborghinis, wheelchairs, school buses, helicopters, unicycles, firetrucks, rollerblades, motorbikes…
The Window captures, from one fixed location, 24/7/365, a 21st century city passing through a unique historical moment - a pandemic, as lockdowns are emplaced and lifted, masks adopted, restaurants and clubs closed and opened, business restricted, construction begun, halted, accelerated, international travel canceled and renewed across the days, months, and seasons.
But the series is not about the pandemic. The images are an archive of the times, featuring, from an extremely unique vantage-point, the full-spectrum of humanity as we collectively move, via everyday moments, through momentus economic, technological, environmental, social and societal changes.