THE WINDOW Portrait of a Man in Parts.
PAGE 1 (w/essay), PAGE 2 (w/essay), PAGE 3 (sequences), PAGE 4 (no words), PAGE 5 (no words) PAGE 6 (themed example) , PAGE 7 (themed compilations), PAGE 8 (a man in parts), PAGE 9 (black & whites) PAGE 10 (Vignettes)
The below are a compendium of photos taken over a year+ for The Window project, an interconnected and recombinant durational photo/installation series. (More about this at my K.I.A. A.R.T. substack, the “How Far the Man” post.) Individual and composite images available.
Read more about A Man In Parts at the link HERE. (Reich’s “Violin Phase”, Hockney’s Polaroids, Snow’s “Walking Woman”, Warhol’s “Empire State” and more…)
Excerpt: “These photos are a single portrait of a man. Like “Violin Phase” and “Walking Woman”, they are “temporal variations on the original”, iterations that accrete meaning. Like the Composite Polaroids, the images are of one subject seen from slightly different angles, at varying times. Like “Empire”, it is a durational work of a single subject, made from a fixed location, that shows time passing via subtle changes around the protagonist (weather, graffiti, construction, detritus), and on him (his clothes, his hair)…”

ABOVE, L-R: Pointing set (each person points at next), AI and I set (real image paired with it AI’d version), A Man in Parts set (as a cloud massing)