"Pretty Rainbow Over Farm", 96" x 60" (8" down to 6" relief on the 4 curves), oilstick on shaped aluminum.
A glorious double-rainbow captured over a beautiful country farm, as information.
The photo was translated via email (by a helpful textile company located in the eastern-bloc) into extensive Jacquard-card code. The thousands of squares were then hand-drawn/scratched/sanded/redrawn in many layers in metallic oilsticks on the curved aluminum.
Jacquard cards were punch cards used in mechanical looms from the 1800s; they eventually led to the invention of computers. So this piece is part of a series using encoded information to explore the idea that there are other layers of reality behind what we physically see (but which a shift in perspective, knowledge, or consciousness can reveal.)
Alternate title “Pretty Colorful Rainbow Over Nice Country Farm”.