Press: Weather artworks by K.I.A. (Kirby Andersen)

Full-page feature in The Toronto Star on the huge weather works series. See various years in the series HERE. PRINTS HERE. INQUIRIES HERE

Link to the Toronto Star article featuring the art made with weather by K.I.A.: LINK

2025 Weatherworks, L-R: dry snow, skied snow, rain, and ice

Compilation of various years in the Weatherworks series by K.I.A.

Black and whites from 2015 (ash on snow) in the Weatherworks series

ABOVE: ‘IOTA”, a painting (acrylic on archival paper) made outdoor with weather as a single work made of 36 single works, to be distributed (decentralized) to collectors around the globe and re-exhibited collectively every 10 years. MORE ABOUT HERE

ABOVE: Weatherwork paintings (acrylic on raw canvas) created outdoors using weather (found wind, topography, flora). More about this series by K.I.A. here: Weatherwork Canvases

Other artworks by K.I.A. (Kirby Andersen); CRIPSPR paintings, 24/7/361/1 photo series “The Window”, recombinant installations & sculptures, genetically modified paintings, large abstracts on canvas, public art explorations, etc. (see Menu). Works hang in various private and corporate collections (investment fund, law firm, yacht, homes, condos, mansions) in the USA, Canada, Japan, Italy, England, etc…